Blogosphere nearly had its first martyr!
Being a fly on the wall has its own peril. More so when your insurance premium is not updated.
To cut a long story short,
Doosra flirted with peril to be privy to the IPL sweet nothings that Sharad Pawar (SP) and Bal Thackeray (BT)
whispered in Mumbai!
For the facts, BCCI President Shashank Manohar was also present on the occasion but his contribution to the discussion was largely limited to goggling at SP and BT, besides the occasional feet-shuffling.
SP: Balasaheb, this is not done.
BT: I'm happy you acknowledge it. Sugar costs as much as silver. Pulse drops when you ask about pulse price…
SP: Err...you got me wrong Balasaheb. I was talking about IPL. Why aren't you allowing the Australian players in Mumbai?
BT: Allow them! Over my dead body! I just can't let them here. What if they settle here and start driving taxis? Picture them bargaining with passengers in English, and not in Marathi! Whither Marathi Manoos?
SP: Come on Balasaheb, cricketers are well off. Most of them have chauffer-driven sedans. Why should they drive taxi here?
BT: This is hogwash, cricketers being rich. The other day I read about some underfed cricketer, some Afridi tribesman,
eating ball. Such is their plight and you want me to believe they are rich? Rich, forsooth!
SP: Come on. He's just a mad guy.
BT: And you guys chased that mad guy? Is it Indian Premier League or India's Premier Loonies?
SP: Come on Balasaheb, what's your problem?
BT: Now that you asked me, arthritis has confined me to bed. I don't see much either. The other day I spilled some secret beans to Raj, mistaking him for Uddhav. The beard itches and doctors said after so many years, the sunglass can only surgically be removed. Hell lot of problems. Old age you know…
SP: Oh...Balasaheb, I meant why don't you let the Australians play here?
BT: Allow them there! Over my dead body. No, actually I can. But I have conditions.
SP: I'm all ears.
BT: Brett lee should become Brett Liquor...err...I meant Brett Leekar.
SP: What!
BT: Yes. Then they should celebrate Valentines Day getting rakhi tied on their wrists by their girlfriends. They should write exclusive columns in 'Samna' and subscribe it as well. Nobody reads it these days you know. Then irrespective of their teams, they would say 'Jai Maharashtra' before beginning every press conference, eat only Vada Pao in lunch and discuss Chhatrapati Maharaj in team meetings. You understand?
Servant: Sir they left long ago. Congratulations sir, this year's IPL will be without the Australians. Mr Pawar made a TV announcement just now.
Satish Acharya