Many a bowlers would have gone Protea at their breakfast table.
I mean choked.
At that age, you should consider yourself fortunate if you can sight the caterpillar in your salad and stop in time to drop it.
And Sachin Tendulkar is eyeing Test 15K and 2011 World Cup! No less.
Of course you can point your finger at the ageless Sanath Jayasuriya and curl your lip in a smug smile.
But the modern day Darwins have already taken the Lankan woodcutter out of the homo sapiens column and placed him in the list of transitional fossils.
According to them, Jayasuriya is the missing link between cricket's Grace and graceless eras and to be treated more as aberration than rule.
Asked if he applied his mind to the thought of quitting, Tendulkar took his sweet time before the sing-song voice rung "Tweeting? Sorry. I'm not in Twitter. See how Phillip Hughes landed in trouble there? I just don't understand the craze among today's generation for such weird thing."
And then he turned on the volume of his gramophone which wailed "Abhi to main jawan hu" (I'm still young).
Alas, he won't admit but his eyesight is indubitably failing him. So much so that he can't see himself quitting at all!
Doosra predicts that days are not far when bowlers, raised in an environment of values and morality, would touch Tendulkar's feet, seek his blessing and inquire about his health before reaching their run-up.
I always suspected that he has this burning desire to share Team India dressing room with son Arjun and his decision to play on leaves us with a fair chance of watching the high-fiving Tendulkars sharing an 'Ai La'.
Doosra also expects BCCI to press for a Senior Citizen scheme and threaten to float a new body if ICC doesn't exempt players with 575 plus international matches under their belt from bouncers.
lol :)
Homer, enjoy!
SP, BCCI flickers. Am I in my senses?
Now I understand.:)
Ottayan, see, there was lot to read in between lines!
Think that may happen? Father-son duo?
Soulberry, I'm clinging on to the hope:)
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