Monday, 17 August 2009

Shame on you Coventry!

They treat you like leper. They want you to grow, live and die in your ghetto.

They appoint thugs to run the ghetto and feed them booze, money and women.

They declare you outlaw and meet occasionally in swanky hotels to renew the decree.

They are ashamed of you. They want to hush you up as if you are a scam.

You fool take your guard and watch around. Four hoodlums, three sots, two beggars and a pariah dog assemble to watch you.

What you do?

You remain unbeaten on 194 off 156 balls and walk home with a slice of history!

Charles Coventry, we are ashamed of you.


Ottayan said...

Shocking to see him stoop so low.:)

Som said...

Ottayan, allow me to share your shock.

straight point said...

you are useless that even after stooping to magnanimous 194 not could not win us a match...

shame on your coventry...err country too... :)

Som said...

SP, indeed. Chhi, Chhi, Chhi.

scorpicity said...

He also gets a bus ride back home... usually to drop him off home after paying the fare out of his own pocket for 200 million dollars.